Sunday, 1 February 2009

Jam Roly Poly

I've wanted to make this all day, and I did. The sponge is the easiest thing in the world to make, flour, suet, touch of sugar and water.

Mix it up, roll it out, add some raspberry jam, roll it back up again and cook.

Traditionally you are supposed to steam it, and I can see that it would be much better steamed.

Baking it in the remoska was ok, but I should have taken it out 5 mins earlier, it was a bit crisp for me. But it tasted good and the adults didn't leave any which generally means it was good.

I'd make it again, but not in a remoska if I'm at home. Perfectly edible and good if out camping though.


  1. Please can we have a recipe and instructions? Thanks

  2. Can you make Jams and Chutneys in a remoska? I have the remoska Tria.
